Our Capabilities

Our Goals


Our mission is to connect and empower people with disabilities to live an inclusive life. We do this by providing excellence in all our services that help people with disabilities live more independent lives, be more active in their community, and have a better quality of life.


Our vision is to foster excellence in all our participants and help them achieve their full potential.


Our philosophy is to create an empowered future for people with disabilities or disability services. We embrace the idea that a person’s disability does not define them but is just one part of their identity. We also believe everyone deserves to be treated equally and have the same opportunities and rights as others.

Our Values


Our work is our responsibility. We are accountable to our participants, who rely on us to present the highest quality work possible. We know no one else will if we don’t hold ourselves to that standard. Team members are expected to demonstrate this value through their work and behaviour.


Integrity is one of our core values because we believe it’s important to act ethically, honestly, and with complete honesty. The relationships you build with customers, participants, and coworkers are incredibly important to the success of our business.


We respect the people we serve, their families, and each other. We respect the time and energy that goes into every small or large task. We value the hard work of our employees, who are all passionate about their work. We also respect the trust that participants put in us daily when they entrust their care to us.


Inclusivity is key to creating a successful and productive workplace. Our mission statement, “Be more inclusive,” reflects this belief. It’s essential to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with us feels respected and valued, regardless of their background or ability level.

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Support Coordination

Please consult one of our friendly team members to learn how we can assist you with Support Coordination.